Great Bardfield Parish Council represents the interests of the people living in and around the Village of Great Bardfield. Use the navigation buttons on the left to find out who we are, what we do and when and where we do it.
Everyone is welcome to come to the Parish Meetings to hear what we are doing. Once the meeting has started, you cannot take part except by invitation of the Chair, but we do have a 15 minute question time at the start of each meeting. Here you can ask questions or make statements about matters that interest you. You don't have to give us advance notice about what you want to ask, but if you want facts and figures, it will save everyone's time if we can do a bit of research first.
Finance & General Purposes: | Cllrs Dyson, Ruffle & Kennedy |
Planning: | Cllrs Ruffle, Dyson, Graham & Hayward-Smith |
Playingfield Committee: | Cllrs Kennedy, Hockley & Graham |
Human Resources: | Cllrs Dyson, Ruffle, Kennedy & Walsh |
Environment, Climate Change & Risk Management: | Cllrs Kennedy, Hockley, Graham & Walsh |
Rights of Way Sub-Committee: | Cllrs Kennedy, Graham & Hockley; Co-opted members Nigel Hill & Chris Morrell |
Neighbourhood Plan: | To comprise all members of the PC |
Town Hall: | Cllr Kennedy & Cllr Graham |
BALC Rep: | Cllr Dyson |
Charities: | Pat Coles |
ECC Passenger Transport: | Cllr Dyson |
School Governors: | Cllr Dyson |