
Carolynne Ruffle

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Carolynne has lived in Great Bardfield since 1992 with her husband, Ian, whose family can be traced back in this area for at least 200 years. Her 2 children are now teenagers having been brought up in the village and attended the local pre-school and primary school.

Carolynne has a background in Human Resources and runs her own Human Resources Consultancy business. She avoids commuting on a daily basis as her office is based at The Bardfield Centre. Carolynne enjoys the rural setting of the village and the great sense of community.

Carolynne has been actively involved with various village groups. She was on the Pre-School Committee for several years (including two as Chairperson) and was a member of the steering group who set up the After School Club; she was on the committee for 10 years and Chairperson from 2001-05. Carolynne has been involved in much of the fund-raising which enabled the Pre-School and After School Club to occupy their own purpose-built building and is now involved in the Pavilion Fund-raising project. She is also a member of Great Bardfield Historical Society and the Bardfield Community Choir.

She has been a member of the Parish Council since 1999 and is on the planning, playing-fields and footpaths sub-committees. She is also the Parish Council Rep on the Town Hall committee. She was involved in designing the Village Appraisal questionnaire, analysing and presenting the findings and was also on the team which produced the Village Design Statement.

She is always amazed at how interesting it can be discussing street lighting and verge cutting at council meetings.

Carolynne has no political affiliations and believes that a Parish Council serves its community better without the restrictions imposed by political posturing.