The first of the Great Bardfield Charities was established over 100 years ago, when a philanthropic resident bequeathed funds in his will for the benefit of other residents. Since that time, many other residents have left money in their wills to the Charity for the benefit of others. The Charity operates under a Scheme, which clearly defines the purpose and terms under which the funds are allocated. The Scheme is overseen by the Charities Commission, which invests the capital funds for us and we receive interest from the capital, quarterly. Under the Scheme, the Charity is able to assist village groups, clubs and societies, religious groups alongside the social, health and educational needs of the residents of the parish of Great Bardfield. The Trustees meet four times a year to consider applications, and meeting dates are notified in The Bardfield Times and on the Community and Charity website. In extraordinary situations, Trustees will consider applications between meetings.
The Charities Committee is accountable to the Great Bardfield Parish Council, and the administering Officers for the Year 2019 – 2020 are as follows:
Pat Coles - Chair
Linseys, Bridge Street, Great Bardfield 01371 810995
Nick Holland - Secretary
33 Bendlowes Road, Great Bardfield 07795 280647
Debbie Rogers - Minutes Secretary
Grooms Cottage, Bridge Street, Great Bardfield 01371 811083
Annika Woodcock - Co-opted Trustee
Yew Tree Cottage, Dunmow Road. Great Bardfield 07900 491636
Mick Gell - Nominated Trustee and Treasurer
3, Mill Cllose, Great Bardfield 01371 810113